Friday, July 14, 2006

Jung typology

I did this test:

and it says I am an INFJ!

Do you think this sounds like me?

I also did an IQ test and got 131, which I was talking to Jess about. We decided that as the median (mean? Average anyway.) is 100, there is an opposite of me out there somewhere with an IQ of 69, and this person is my nemesis. A really crap nemesis. "Quickly, distract her with a handful of shiny pebbles! Aha! Now to put in place my plan for world domination! Nothing will stop me now! Stop throwing pebbles at me, nemesis, that really hurts."

What do you think?


Lilly said...

Darling, you are completely insane. I love you.

Lilly said...

I did this and I was something too, but I can't remember what.

I take serious issue with test. They should have gone for a 4 or 5 point lickert scale for a start, as I don't think you can do these things on just "agree" or "disagree". Like life is that simple!

And the questions are moronic!

"You easily empathize with the concerns of other people"

It depends if they're boring or not. Sometimes people won't stop droning on and on and on. Hang on, I think I might have answered that one.

"It's essential for you to try things with your own hands"

Try what? karate? new sexual positions (might not need hands)? mud?

"You easily understand new theoretical principles"

Why the third bottle of wine is a bad idea: yes. Quantum physics: not all of it.

"You feel more comfortable sticking to conventional ways"

It depends! I don't try to steer a car with my feet when doing 85mph on the M4.

Moronic I tell you. I completely disagree with all this personality mumbo jumbo.

Lilly said...

Hahaha I've just looked the infj.

Both Aristophanes and Tom Selleck are on the list as famous infjs.

Emily K. Lloyd said...

haha i just tried the type logic test...

im an ENTP, of which the first thing it said was that i love a good argument. who knew it could be so right??