Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I babysat for Leo last night

She is the snuggliset bunny in the whole world. We played 'rip rip tear the paper', and then we played 'don't want no dam' baby rice' (the trick is not to feed her ear by mistake when she turns her head at the last minute), and then we had a little jamming session, me on guitar and her on Fimbles electronics gizmo. Jess was really worried that she might cry when she left her but she was perfectly happy, which makes me feel exquisitely smug.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Back from my holidays

and raring to post again. I have a new digital camera Ems so you will soon be able to see pics of Leo if I can figure out how to post them, and also arty pictures of Iffley Lock on New Year's day. Won't that be fun!

La la la I have bought plane tickets and am going off to all sorts of exciting places this year. Rome at the end of February? Oh yes. berlin in April? Why not. And perhaps I will spend June in Venice and round it off with a little trip to Prague in September. What larks!