Monday, February 20, 2006

Well, it's done.

I have spent two days moving large items of furniture out of Stanton St John and into a van and then out of a van and into the Bakehouse. My muscles are aching and I could hardly cycle to work this morning. But all the main bits of furniture are now out of the house and I've said goodbye to it because it's being sold early next week and I'm going to be in Rome then. There were six of us moving everything - me, Neil, Rachel, Hal, Daddy and his new girlfriend Carole. Who is a tiny bit of boho chic hippy floaty French stuff who can't heave up one end of a wardrobe and manouvere it round a spiral staircase (over the handrail, brace, turn it through 180 degrees, hold it steady, watch out for the stairlift, down slowly, etc,) to save her life. She did try, bless her, but she wasn't much use, and she nearly broke her wrist. And Daddy was in a foul temper of course because it was a bit depressing, and by the end of the day she was not very happy. So that was an added complication. But it's done now and I'm off to Rome on Thursday! I am going to buy a hot pink suitcase today.


Lilly said...

God. Sounds like a total nightmare! You poor thing. Well at least it's over now.

And you are going to buy a pink suitcase and go to Rome! That is so exciting.

I am having my hair done tonight - cut and coloured. I was inspired by your totally fabulous hair and have had major hair envy. I'll post pictures when it's done!

Great news about Jess! I saw her yesterday, we went to the Jericho cafe and had a chat. We also talked about how I'm going to end up being in full time graduate education for like, ever. I need to marry a rich man, or win the lottery. Both of which are looking equally unlikely. Urgh.

Supposed to be going out with Tamlan and Chris tomorrow but nothing has been arranged as yet. God men are so annoying. I've decided to spend the next year celibate.

Emily K. Lloyd said...

i know how you feel about being in graduate education forever... im consoled by the fact that over half my class are older than me! yes!! its true im not the old granny...

i want to know the news about jess but am budgeting my phone minutes so i dont have to buy a load more just before i come home and then they get eaten by the nasty phone company (yes im 'pay as you go' and they are very scroogey about minutes and unsurprisingly charge a fortune to call abroad on your mobile) anyway (not cutting a long story short) whats the news!?

is it a secret? is she pregnant again? if so i appreciate she might want to spread the word herself but i would have to wait till may!!!!!!!!

whats her email address? she does check it now that shes gone back to work right?

oh god you people - it drives me completely mad not knowing.... i wont be able to sleep tonight now.

Emily K. Lloyd said...

ps becca, pink suitcase sounds just the ticket - hope you have a fabulous time in Rome - im jealous.

Lilly said...

Oooh well I suppose Jess would prefer to tell you herself but she only does email at work and doesn't have an internet connection at home and her home phone is broken at the moment anyway but wait! I have a 30 minute free Skype to landline voucher. Would you like it? Then you could call Jess yourself and talk to her!!!