Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Nobody knows that I am here.

This amuses me strangely.


Lilly said...


This is exciting. This is what the post on biggie is about. You want us to post on here!

Well here I am. Finally.

What about Jess' present?

Lilly said...

Oh god why did we drink so much last night!? I feel like I'm dying. I'd rather die than continue feeling like this.

Also got MAJOR lecture from mother this morning about how I shouldn't drink so much especially on a school night people won't respect me any more I'll get attacked etc etc. Also now have major hungover-depression. You ever get that?

urgh anyway. Should have gone home at 8pm! I am making major resolutions. Like no going out during the week.

Mittens said...

You are quite right. We should be more restrained. Oh dear. I hate having alcohol depression. It is not fun. But I did have a good time! But you are quite right. No drinking on a school nigth. New resolution.